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Many thanks to the Bramley War Memorial Group who organise regular War Graves clean-up sessions in the Bramley Baptist graveyard. Everyone is welcome to join the group -  several from our church already go along too, helping to strim and tidy around the graves. The work has made a massive improvement. A bench has been restored too!

Ancestry Research - if you are looking for family members in the Bramley Baptist Church graveyard, you may find the following website helpful: http://www.calverley.info/bbb_1941.htm

The sprucing up of our 200 year old graveyard has gone down well in the Local Community. The eight acre site was both overgrown with knotweed, and sometimes intimidating as it had only one entrance. However, thanks to a generous £50,000 grant from ‘Groundworks Community Spaces, the graveyard has been transformed. PWP Landscapes and Community Payback teams – unpaid work by Offenders for the benefit of the local community – kept the graveyard tidy before the Bramley War Memorial Group.

Farsley Art Club recently visited the Graveyard for a successful Painting Day. An enjoyable time was had by all.





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